Growing With You

A Partner That Adapts to Meet Your Needs.

Plans to Power Your Business

Plans to Power Your Business

To enjoy the full impact our partnership provides, you’ll have a choice of plan options that combine several of our Professional Employer solutions based on your needs and circumstances.

With multiple services at your disposal wrapped into one relationship, you can select the plan that fits you best today with the option to scale as your business evolves.

What Does Partnering
with 1Power Look Like?

Once you decide to engage with 1Power, our teams begin collaborating immediately while determining a roadmap to best meet your needs:

1. Charge

Your key team members meet with our experts and we get to know you, your business, and your vision. This helps us create your Custom Business Needs Analysis and propose a plan to meet your short and long-term goals.

2. Engage

We present your Custom Analysis and proposal, outlining our recommendations and potential impacts on your business. You’ll have the opportunity to ask as many questions as you’d like to help us fine-tune your plan and feel confident in your decision.

3. Launch

You also receive a timeline outlining the action items identified to officially bring you into the 1Power family. We intentionally craft this timeline with your input to drive impact quickly without overwhelming you or your staff. 1Power will work closely with you and your staff to execute your timeline and begin delivering solutions, while strengthening our relationship.

4. Propel

We hit our stride as a combined team, and you see results that move you forward. Success is measured based on each partner’s unique objectives and roadmap, and we will review progress regularly to ensure that yours stay on track.

5. Assess

At the end of your plan term or on a predetermined basis, we take a deep dive into the results and your experience as our partner. If your needs or goals have changed, we can explore adjustments to your plan to maximize continued success. This unique approach allows you to take advantage of our solutions throughout the evolution of your business.

Let us learn more about your business and put together a custom plan for you. Request an introductory conversation with our team or a complimentary, no-obligation Business Needs Analysis:

What About Your Employees?

As your business grows, your staff can benefit from our partnership alongside you and your leaders at each stage of their employment lifecycle.


  • Enhanced recruitment experience
  • Competitive benefits offering
  • Confidence in company’s stability


  • Streamlined data and documentation technology
  • Self-service portal and mobile app
  • Enhanced training resources


  • HR best practices across
    the organization
  • Tools and processes to
    simplify job duties
  • Improved engagement, development, and benefits


  • Channels to provide feedback at
    the end of employment
  • Secure transmission of post-employment information
  • Support for final payroll distribution
1Power Supporting Your Employees

Partner Perspective:

Your business deserves a partner that’s invested in your growth, your longevity, and every “we did it!” moment along your journey.

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